Chilean collective, active 1987-93
La refundacion de la Universidad de Chile
(The Re-founding of the University of Chile)
Documentation of an action
(black-and-white photographs by Ulises Nilo)
Courtesy D21 Pryectos de Arte,
Providencia, Chile
These photographs document one of the first public actions performed by the artistic collective Las Yeguas del Apocalipsis (The Mares of the Apocalypse). Here, a nude Pedro Lemebel and Francisco Casas ride a mare into the University of Chile alongside three poet friends. Lemebel recalls that certain fields of study in the university were denied to women, queer and transgender communities, and other minorities. Because of this, Casas suggested that they “re-found” the university. The action cites the founding of Santiago de Chile in 1541 by Spanish conquistador Pedro de Valdivia and the legend of Lady Godiva, who allegedly rode nude through Coventry, England, in a deal with her husband to reduce taxes on her subjects. The performance eroticizes and critiques the virile masculinity of the military officer and conquistador.