The Akai’s state of the art spaceships are well equipped with a vast array of weapons for any situation. One of them is the highly coveted x90 laser cannon. This cannon can build up enough dark matter to completely destroy an entire planet with one shot. Good thing we are friends with them.
Category Archives: Spaceship
The Engine
The spaceships of the akai use the state of the art engines. These engines utilize a 3000x ion flux capacitor, allowing them to go 300x the speed of light. They give off almost no heat and are the size of a car. Whoever said “The Future is now” is correct.
Spaceships of Mars
UFO’s exist every single day. Mass media has tried to make the ideas of aliens be these friendly creatures, with Marvin the Martian, E.T. , and many more. BUT IT IS ALL A LIE. ALIENS ARE HERE AND THEY WILL DESTROY US ALL.